Empowering Healthy Lives One Neighbor at a Time
12103 Darnestown Rd, North Potomac, MD
MONDAY-FRIDAY 9AM–6PM • 301-337-6436 fax

Transfer Prescription Request

Request your prescriptions be transferred from another pharmacy to Potomac Care Pharmacy by submitting the form below. We will contact your old pharmacy to have the prescriptions transferred. This could take up to 1-2 business days.

Transferring from Pharmacy:
Transfer Authorization: *
I authorize Potomac Care Pharmacy to contact the pharmacy I have listed to transfer my prescriptions to Potomac Care Pharmacy.

*Fields Required


Our mission is to improve the health of our community and empower healthy lifestyles by collaborating with recognized healthcare providers and providing the best products, services and customer education programs available.
committed to improving lives by:
  • • Providing you the best, personalized service
  • • Treating you with respect and gratitude
  • • Offering you healthy lifestyle products & programs
Switch to Potomac Care Pharmacy and discover what you’ve been missing at your chain drugstore.
12103 Darnestown Rd, North Potomac, MD
MONDAY-FRIDAY 9AM–6PM • 301-337-6436 fax